
In the end, it all comes down to one word. Grace.


Women embracing Grace, prioritizing self-care, and awakening to their power, fueled by faith, femininity, and purpose.


To create effective personal care products, all while sharing the hope and love of Jesus Christ. Life is a journey filled with emotional, spiritual, and mental challenges, but we're here to uplift and strengthen you every step of the way.



    We're stewards of the Lord Jesus. We serve, build, and empower people for His Glory.


    A judgment-free zone where God-fearing women keep it real, prioritize self-care, lift each other up, and dive into discipleship together.


    We make our products by hand, with love. Your uniqueness is what makes you, YOU! That’s why we make each product equally unique, with its own authentic characteristics.


    Our products are 100% vegan. The Lord created medicines out of the earth, which is why we carefully select natural botanicals and clean ingredients and refuse to cut any corners.


    As an ethical brand, transparency is key to us, especially when it comes to our ingredients. What goes into our products matters just as much as what doesn't. We're all about teaming up with suppliers who do the same.


We’ve all been there—those crossroads where we're given the chance to take control of our destinies, an opportunity to grab life by the reins, a choice to face our fears or continue living in our bubble of comfort.

Often, the idea of freedom becomes a subconscious source of fear; it intimidates us...

Your heart races, filled with the desire to leap yet paralyzed by hesitation. Consequently, remaining trapped in the familiar, stuck in a cycle where the past becomes the predictable future.

A deep longing for freedom resides within us, yearning for a change but unsure how to break free. It's within reach, yet it seems far away. We obtain it, only to let it slip away when we mishandle that person or thing due to our lack of understanding of how to truly appreciate and cherish it...

That's why we're more than just a brand. It's a movement, a revolution—from suppression to expression, from the depths of adversity to discovering purpose, and from the shadows of limitation to the light of freedom.

Our essence is woven from the resilience that blooms through vulnerability and the unmatched beauty that rises from brokenness.

We don't just sell products; we champion journeys. Our story is one of overcoming and navigating through life's challenges through grace. We stand firm in the conviction that there are no limits to what we can achieve, a truth echoed in Psalms 84:11.

Purebese New York, where your freedom isn't just a dream but a destination we help make possible.

How can we support you through prayer?

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